줄거리: The central character is Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope. Who is obsessive about her work and driven by her own demons. If she's lonely she doesn't show it and faces the world with caustic wit, guile and courage. Her trusted and long suffering colleague is Sergeant Joe Ashworth. Together they approach every new case with unparalleled gusto and professionalism.
줄거리:莱尼(汤姆?威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson 饰)是伦敦黑帮的头目,他手下有个得力干将艾奇(马克?斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)。莱尼曾经做套逼小流氓头二(杰拉德?巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)还债。结果,头二凭借情人史黛拉(桑迪?牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)提供的情报,成功打劫,抢得巨款,还清了债务,并且一发而不可收拾……
莱尼买通议员想进军房地产市场。为了重金担保,他从俄罗斯黑帮头目尤里(卡瑞尔?罗登 Karel Roden 饰)手中借来了一副名画。然而,这幅名画却不翼而飞。于是,一群人卷入了这场寻找名画的闹剧中,其中不乏有莱尼失散多年的儿子,盗卖皮草的毛贼,打不死的保镖,同性恋的律师等等。最后,在名画事件水落石出之时,黑帮最大告密者的身份也被揭穿……
줄거리:Award-winning actress Brenda Blethyn will return for a thirteenth series as DCI Vera Stanhope, alongside actor and director David Leon who makes a welcome return as Joe Ashworth.
줄거리: ITV's critically acclaimed crime drama returns, starring multi-award winning actress Brenda Blethyn as DCI Vera Stanhope. Based on the bestselling Inspector Stanhope books by renowned writer Ann Cleeves, Vera and her team are faced with a series of daunting challenges. From delving into the unsettling private life of an old colleague, attempting to break through the code of secrecy in the army, to coping with the emotional impact on a family torn apart by addiction, each enthralling story is enhanced by captivating performances of this shambolic yet brilliant detective in action. Combined with beautifully shot landscapes and atmospheric production, each film creates a haunting backdrop for Vera's inner turmoil as she discovers hidden truths about her own past, which threaten to change her life forever.