줄거리: BBC呈献 【国家】英国 【语言】英语 【字幕】外挂英文字幕 【简介】BBC纪录片《德国的艺术》,展现德国在意大利文艺复兴时期的历史文化的艺术气息,分为三集: Part 1: A Divided Land Part 2: Dream and Machine Part 3: In the Shadow of Hitler 文艺复兴是指13世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。 主持人Andrew Graham-Dixon用不同的主题去探讨德国的艺术,包括景观、民俗文化等,为那些对世界艺术和文化传统不太熟悉的人群开阔了视野。
줄거리: Alex Riley explores the world of the technology superbrands - how they get us to buy their stuff, trust them and even idolise them. He meets the supergeeks who are inventing the future and finds out how some of the most powerful companies in the world really make their billions. E1 technology Alex takes a closer look at some of the most powerful technology brands in the world - including Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Nokia, Facebook, and Google - how have they become so central to our lives and how do they plan to stay ahead of the game? He finds out why Microsoft now have to spend billions of dollars every year on development to score a hit product and why games console companies are willing to lose billions to get their product in your living room. He discovers how technology format wars are being determined with the help of the porn industry and how Apple has literally become a new religion. E2 fashion Fashion novice Alex Riley dives into the world of clothing superbrands to find out how these billion dollar global organisations have invaded our wardrobes and our minds. When he discovers that designer handbags are so desirable that some women will pay 100 pounds a month just to rent one, he's determined to have their heads examined to find out why. E3 food Alex Riley is on the trail of the global food and drink giants. What's so special about them? How have they penetrated our brains so we recognise them like members of our own families? Alex travels the globe to find where they've come from and how they make us keep on buying them.