출연:劳伦·科瑞·里维斯 Chris Ferry Cody Darbe Maureen Olander John P. Miller Jessica DeLong Sam Dahler John Briley Joseph M. Colombo Adam Morris Maureen Wagner Georgine A. Timko Rodney Hupp Brandon H. Chapman Jeff Crook Will Kauff Kevin Paskawych
감독:Jeff Crook Josh Crook
줄거리: 在便利店打工的女大学生克莱尔·帕克(劳伦·科瑞·刘易斯 Lauren Currie Lewis 饰)下班后等待男友吉米(科迪·达比 Cody Darbe 饰)接她返回学校,结果却等到一个自称吉米朋友的男子杜克·戴斯蒙(克里斯·费瑞 Chris Ferry 饰)。杜克阴森、邪恶的笑容令克莱尔倍感不安,她仓皇逃回家中,谁曾想恐怖的噩梦尾随其后。克莱尔受到残忍虐待,并惨遭杀害。 当一切似乎终结时,克莱尔却再次醒来。她认定那段恐怖的经历是一场噩梦,然而血腥残酷的噩梦似乎没有终点,如幽灵般的杜克穿梭于虚幻与现实之间,周而复始,反复折磨着克莱尔的神经。克莱尔试图找出这背后的原因,最终发现万象皆由因果而生……
출연:约翰·纳特尔斯 杰森·休斯 费莉西蒂·迪安 德里克·哈钦森 Georgine Anderson Nicola Redmond
줄거리: Barnaby and DS Ben Jones investigate the death of Simon Bright who is found dead inside an old World War II vintage Humber parked at an abandoned airfield. From all appearances, the death appears to be a suicide, but the pathologist determines that the man suffered a severe blow to the dead and may in fact have been unconscious when he died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Simon Bright's girlfriend, Laura Sharp, is nowhere to be found, but the death of the aging village Lothario and the attempted murder of another of her friends narrows the list of possible murderers somewhat. Barnaby is convinced that one of Laura's ex-lovers is responsible but given her rather active life, the question becomes which one?