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别名:金蝶直播看B站 / jHZsQ6wiaT


  A little boy waits to meet his best friend to celebrate Halloween. When she at least appears, boy's mother makes a photo in her tablet and both walk house by house looking for trick-or-treat. Meanwhile he obtains several candies, she obtains no one, and he shares his candies with her, as well as both did the previous year. But when both come back to his home, he jokes with a man thinking that he's a fake doctor, taking a diagnosis paper from his hands, making that his mother runs behind her son. When accidentally the boy reads the diagnosis, he surprises with the words "Imaginary friend". Although the doctor and his parents says that she friend isn't true (showing him the photo of the tablet, where he's alone, instead with her at side of him), he claims her for real. After boy and girl run away returning to the hill, parents and police looking for the boy, making a macabre and unexpected discovery. Written by Chockys更多《金蝶直播看B站》免费在线观看高清完整版、金蝶直播看B站全集免费播放、金蝶直播看B站免费在线观看相关电影解说资源,请持续关注电影洋行!  展开全部


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